Got a million marrows or courgettes?
Looking for inspiration on how to cook them?
Want to use them in a way that is more useful, then pretending they are a baby and pushing it around in a pram?!

Well look no further! Here are TEN ideas on how to cook up that surplus courgette and marrow.
1. Skewer it
This doesn't need much explaining, simply chop into bite sized pieces, marinate or leave plain and bang on the BBQ

2. Grate it and Bake it
Grated marrow can disappear in most dishes, if its cooked long enough. Pictured grated courgette is cooked with cheese, pasta sauce, salt, pepper, dry mustard, smoked paprika and topped with more cheese, bacon and onion. But you can simply add grated marrow to a favourite family dish, it works in a stew, soup, slow cooked meat, lasagne, pasta bake, even in mashed potato!

3. Make it into Zoodles
If you have a spiraliser, courgette/marrow "noodles" are a fantastic way to get in extra veggies into a meal, serve with whatever you want, eat them raw or cook them in a fry pan with your preferred flavours and a wee bit of oil or butter for about 5 to 10 minutes.

4. Make a hot dog
Simply, slice lengthways, scoop out the pips, grill in the oven with a wee bit of oil, then place your hot dog toppings o and grill for a further 10 to 15 minutes.
We used passata sauce, (precooked) sausage, fresh basil, onion and cheese

5. Make vegetable Fritters
Grated courgette and marrow tastes amazing in vege fritters or corn fritters. Pictured is potato fritters, with cheese, grated broccoli and grated marrow served with aioli and smoked salmon

6. Keep it simple
Grate and stir fry with other greens in butter and tonnes of garlic

7. Pasta bake - looks like noodles - but isn't
Make your usual pasta bake and add grated courgette, cook as usual. Even Miss 10 who hates marrow will happily eat it cooked like this!

8. Stuff it!
Scoop out the middles bits (I whizzed them til smooth and added them to chicken mince, pasta sauce and herbs, filled the middle topped with red onion, cheese and bacon. And baked in the oven for 20 to 30 minutes. But any meat ball or bean recipe can be used

9. Make a "Soup Bowl"
Flavour grated, shredded or zoodled marrow with delicious ingredients like bacon and blue cheese (pictured) or coconut cream and thai curry or cheese sauce and smoked fish!

10. Pizza!
Slice courgettes, put on pizza toppings (tomato paste, fresh basil and parsley, sun dried tomatoes, cheese and a wee bit of bacon - but anything goes, really) and popped in the oven for 20 minutes. Time in the kitchen: 15 minutes.