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How to make changes

Writer: EliseElise

I hear stories like this A LOT:

"My Dr, Specialist, GP told me to lose weight, do THIS diet, eat better and exercise more BUT I can't do it! Help!"

Just because someone tells you to do *insert behaviour change here* does not mean you will be able to go out and do it.

First you need to have the emotional capacity to put effort and energy into making behaviour changes.

Second you need to actually want to do it

Third you need a really good why

And fourthly you need to recognise and be able to break down the barriers that stand in your way.

1. Sometimes we have other stuff going on that takes up too much space and we don't have the time, energy or wherewithal to actually be able to make changes.

For example, my friends GP told her to go on a diet to lose weight, but this was 3 months after a tragic death in her family and she was in no space to make any changes, regardless of how much she might have wanted to.

Often we have other stuff going on that takes up space in our heads. We might not have room for making changes. And that's ok!

2. If you aren't ready to make changes then there is no point forcing yourself to do it.

I've attached a screenshot of a model of behaviour change. there are different stages of readiness to make changes. From not ready at all, to thinking about it, to being ready to action changes. Where are you on that chart? it's ok if you're not ready yet, if you're thinking about making changes but aren't ready to actually make them.

You need to be ready to take action and make changes before you can actually do it.

3. What's your why? because your doctor, family or friend told you to, is not a why. It needs to be strong and meaningful to you otherwise you just won't care enough to do it.

4. What are the barriers? What are the things standing in your way that make it difficult? You want to increase your exercise but hate the gym, can't afford yoga classes, don't have access to safe spaces to walk or work and life commitments make it tough for you to find the time? Which things can you work around, which ones can you move? And how?

The State of Change Wheel - where are you on here? Are you ready to make changes or are you still thinking about it?

When you have those things in place you can start to make changes.

You don't need to make massive changes all at once, sometimes it's the small things that can make the biggest difference - especially if you can stick to it long term!

  • halving the sugar you add in your tea,

  • adding one extra vegetable to your dinner plate most nights,

  • going for a ten minute walk during your lunch break

And remember when we make changes it needs to be part of our lifestyle and needs to be sustainable - otherwise we won't stick to it!

Need help with your nutrition? Want to make changes, but not sure where to start? Confused by all the nutrition info out there?

Get in touch! I have nutrition consults available!



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