To make:
In a large fry pan saute until onion translucent
2 chopped onions
lots of garlic, diced
Olive oil
grated ginger (fresh)
1 packet of Thai red curry (of your choice)
1 large tin of coconut cream
3 carrots grated
3 courgettes grated
4 cups of precooked or tinned haricot beans (or similar)
Simmer for ten minutes
6 (ish) spinach/silverbeet/kale leaves finely chopped
two handfuls of cherry tomatoes
lots of fresh coriander chopped
2 red capsicums, diced
Serve in bowls, on its own or with your perfered starchy carb eg rice or rice noodles
Garnish with diced spring oinions
Serves 4 to 5
Time in the kitchen: 20 minutes