Miss 9 and I often go for walks in the morning. one morning we talked food and planned a dinner and dessert we were going to make. I said the dessert had to be cold. Miss 9 said it had to have strawberries in it, so we could go strawberry picking.
And this is what we came up with:
4 ingredients
10 minutes in the kitchen
9 mini desserts to
5 people to share them
999+ fights over who had to share or miss out
0 leftover!
To make the base:
80 grams of dark chocolate
30 grams of butter or coconut oil
1 1/2 cups of ground almonds ( we ground them ourselves in the Ninja, but you can use almond flour or similar)
Mix well.
Spoon into silicon muffin tins (or similar - something you can pop it out of easily)
Flatten with back of spoon
To make the topping:
In a pot put:
2 cups of strawberries, washed and chopped
30 ml water
In a small bowl, mix 4 tsps of gelatine and 50 mls of cold water.
Add 1 to 2 tsps of sugar/sweetener if desired
Add to the warm strawberries
Allow to bubble for 4 to 5 minutes.
Take off the heat.
Pour strawberry mix evenly over the bases.
Put in fridge for 2 to 3 hours to set.
Time in the kitchen: 10 minutes + set time
Makes 9 mini desserts