For those that want bread but prefer eating low carb (for whatever reason) or just like a dense, high fibre, nutty loaf.
To make:
In a large bowl put:
1 cup ground linseeds
1 cup ground almonds
1 cup ground walnuts
1 cup ground sunflower seeds
1/2 cup tapioca flour
1 cup psyillium husk
4 tbsp chia seeds
1 tbsp yeast
1 tsp salt
2 tbsp sugar (to feed the yeast)
1 cup sunflower seeds whole
1 cup pumpkin seeds whole
Mix dry ingredients well.
Make a well in the centre. Add:
1 1/2 cup sourdough starter
2 tbsp olive oil
3 cups water
Use your hands and mix the ingredients through, so they are thoroughly mixed.
Put the bowl filled with bread dough in a plastic bag and keep somewhere warm (hot water cupboard, kitchen bench in summer etc)
Leave in warm place to rise for 4 hours or overnight.
Use a rubber spatula to release the dough from the sides of the bowl. Tip mixture onto greased oven tray.
Bake in the oven on 180 degrees Celsius for an hour or until cooked.
When cooked, remove from oven and cover with a tea towel. Allow to rest for at least 30 minutes.
Stores in the fridge for up to 7 days. Freezes well.
Each loaf weighs about 3 kilos and makes about 30 slices
In loaf: Total carbs 257 grams Total fibre 219 grams Total fat 330 grams
Per serve: carbs: 8.5 grams fibre 7.5 grams fat 11 grams